Biophoton Coherence Therapy

The method of evaluating and correcting mild to severe malfunctions of the bio-optical regulation system of the body.

This non-invasive therapy benefits sick people as well as relatively healthy people with very few symptoms.

Biophoton Emission

Every cell in the body naturally emits roughly 100,000 photons per second as part of its normal, physiological function. This physiological light-output:

  • Concentrates along optical pathways inside the body that form a distinct communication network between organs & tissues.

  • Carries information that influences biochemical and functional regulation.

  • Exits the body at well-defined end points.

  • Varies in quality according to the health condition of the body.


The element “ particle” of light


A photon that is emitted by living cells and plays a vital role in normal regulatory processes of the body that sustain life. It makes ultra-fast exchange of information between cells, tissues and organs possible.


The metaphysical study of existence and how something comes into being.


Introduces biophoton emissions as a relevant and fundamental part of our (well) being.

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